Friday, July 18, 2008

Seattle Times

On 7-16-08

We went to the the Seattle Times Newspaper Co.
I really liked going there for so many reasons. For one its the newspaper industries. So i had to explore an hour of where our newspaper come from. Secondly i got to ask really good questions like: "Do you think you're making a change in the world or community." And they wen on and on and on and got really boring at times, but I just kept on nodding all day, acting as if i was interested. I also learned there that they have a huge competition against P.I. Newspaper. If you ask me, which one I like better i would say: "well it think they're both great. It was really fun interviewing the news people. I learned new things, and I've never been to Seattle Times, so it was a new experience for me.

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